Source code for opentree.ws_wrapper

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Implementation file for the calling of HTTP methods and deserializing from JSON.
#   This file is intended as a low-level wrapper that most users would never call directly, but which handles
#   peforming the calls (and if requested) keeping a log of methods called or a curl representation of the
#   calls that were performed.

import json
import logging
import sys
import re
import os
from enum import Enum
from .node_reference import SynthNodeReference, OTTaxonRef

import requests

def _escape_dq(s):
    """Lightweight escaping function used in writing curl calls...

    if not isinstance(s, str):
        if isinstance(s, bool):
            return 'true' if s else 'false'
        return s
    if '"' in s:
        ss = s.split('"')
        return '"{}"'.format('\\"'.join(ss))
    return '"{}"'.format(s)

[docs]class OTWebServicesError(Exception): """This type of error is raised when a web-service call fails for a reason that is impossible or difficult to diagnose. The string representation of the error should contain some helpful information. """ def __init__(self, message, call_record=None): super().__init__(message) self.call_record = call_record
[docs]class OTClientError(OTWebServicesError): """This type of error is raised when the calling code does not make a legitimate request based on the Open Tree of Life API's (see """ def __init__(self, message, call_record=None): super().__init__(message, call_record=call_record)
[docs]class WebServiceCallRecord(object): """Wrapper around a web-service call, returned by WebServiceWrapper methods. The main client methods to call are: * __bool__ (check if status code was 200) * __str__ (explanation of the call status * `write_response` (writes call explanation and response, if there was one). The most commonly used properties: * url: string * response: a requests response object * status_codeL: None or the HTTP status code as an integer * response_dict: None, decoding of a JSON response or {'content' : raw_content} (for non-JSON methods) If the API call returns some encoding of a tree, then the `tree` property of the WebServiceCallRecord can be used to decode the response. """ def __init__(self, service_wrapper, url, http_method, headers, data): self._request_url = url self._request_headers = headers self._request_http_method = http_method self._request_data = data self._response_obj = None self._response_dict = None self._tree = None self._node_ref = None self._taxon_ref = None self._tree_from_response_extractor = None try: self._to_object_converter = service_wrapper.to_object_converter except: self._to_object_converter = None # noinspection PyPep8 @property def curl_call(self): """Returns a string that is a curl representation of the call """ # may want to revisit this implementation v = self._request_http_method headers = self._request_headers data = self._request_data url = self._request_url varg = '' if v == 'GET' else '-X {} '.format(v) if headers: hal = ['-H {}:{}'.format(_escape_dq(k), _escape_dq(v)) for k, v in headers.items()] hargs = ' '.join(hal) else: hargs = '' dargs = " --data '{}'".format(json.dumps(data)) if data else '' return 'curl {v} {h} {u}{d}'.format(v=varg, u=url, h=hargs, d=dargs) def __str__(self): """Returns and explanation of the URL and status of the call.""" prefix = "Web-service call to {}".format(self._request_url) if self: return '{} succeeded.'.format(prefix) elif self._response_obj is None: return '{} has not been completed (in progress or has not been triggered yet).'.format(prefix) return '{} failed with http_status_code={}'.format(prefix, self.status_code) def write_response(self, out): out.write(str(self)) if self._response_obj is None: out.write('\n') return out.write(' Response:\n') rdict = self.response_dict sf = json.dumps(rdict, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=True) out.write('{}\n'.format(sf)) @property def url(self): return self._request_url @property def response(self): return self._response_obj @property def status_code(self): return None if self._response_obj is None else self._response_obj.status_code @property def response_dict(self): if self._response_dict is None: if self._response_obj is None: return None try: self._response_dict = self._response_obj.json() # NOTE: if response is not JSON this will fail except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: self._response_dict = {'content': self._response_obj.content} # TODO make this not fail on Newick/NEXUS responses return self._response_dict def __bool__(self): """Returns True if call completed with an HTTP status of 200""" sc = self.status_code return sc is not None and sc == 200 @property def taxon(self): if self._taxon_ref is None: if not self: return None self._taxon_ref = OTTaxonRef(self.response_dict) return self._taxon_ref @property def node_ref(self): if self._node_ref is None: if not self: return None self._node_ref = SynthNodeReference(self.response_dict) return self._node_ref @property def tree(self): if self._tree is None: if not self: return None extractor = self._tree_from_response_extractor if extractor is None: extractor = default_tree_extractor(self._to_object_converter) self._tree = extractor(self.response_dict) return self._tree
def extract_content_from_raw_text_method_dict(response_dict): return response_dict['content'] def extract_newick(response_dict): return response_dict['newick'] def extract_newick_then_obj(response_dict, to_obj_conv): newick = extract_newick(response_dict) return to_obj_conv.tree_from_newick(newick, suppress_internal_node_taxa=True) def default_tree_extractor(to_obj_conv): if to_obj_conv is None: return extract_newick return lambda rd: extract_newick_then_obj(rd, to_obj_conv)
[docs]class WebServiceRunMode(Enum): RUN = 1 CURL = 2 CURL_ON_EXIT = 3
class WebServiceWrapper(object): def __init__(self, api_endpoint, run_mode=WebServiceRunMode.RUN): self._run_mode = run_mode self._generate_curl = run_mode in [WebServiceRunMode.CURL, WebServiceRunMode.CURL_ON_EXIT] self._perform_ws_calls = run_mode != WebServiceRunMode.CURL if api_endpoint == 'production': api_endpoint = os.environ.get('OVERRIDE_OT_PRODUCTION_API_ENDPOINT', 'production') self._api_endpoint = api_endpoint self._api_version = 'v3' self._store_responses = False self._store_api_calls = True self.curl_strings = [] self.call_history = [] self.to_object_converter = None def _call_api(self, method_url_fragment, data=None, http_method='POST', demand_success=True, headers=None): """Returns a ws_call_rec""" url = self.make_url(method_url_fragment) if headers is None: headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'accept': 'application/json', } elif isinstance(headers, str) and headers.lower() == 'text': headers = {'content-type': 'text/plain', 'accept': 'text/plain', } try: ws_call_rec = self._http_request(url, http_method, data=data, headers=headers) if demand_success and not ws_call_rec: if not self._perform_ws_calls: return None m = 'Wrong HTTP status code from server. Expected 200. Got {}.' m = m.format(ws_call_rec.status_code) raise OTWebServicesError(m, ws_call_rec) return ws_call_rec except: logging.exception("Error in {} to {}".format(http_method, url)) raise def make_url(self, frag, front_end=False): while frag.startswith('/'): frag = frag[1:] while frag.startswith('/'): frag = frag[1:] while frag.endswith('/'): frag = frag[:-1] if self._api_endpoint == 'production': if front_end: return '{}/{}'.format(self._api_version, frag) return '{}/{}'.format(self._api_version, frag) if self._api_endpoint == 'files': return '{}'.format(frag) if self._api_endpoint == 'dev': if front_end: return '{}/{}'.format(self._api_version, frag) return '{}/{}'.format(self._api_version, frag) if self._api_endpoint == 'next': return '{}/{}'.format(self._api_version, frag) if self._api_endpoint == 'local': tax_pat = re.compile(r'^(v[0-9.]+)/([a-z_]+)/(.+)$') m = tax_pat.match(frag) if m: vers, top_level, tail_frag = m.groups() if top_level in ('taxonomy', 'tnrs'): t = 'http://localhost:7474/db/data/ext/{}_{}/graphdb/{}' return t.format(top_level, vers, tail_frag) elif top_level in ('tree_of_life',): t = 'http://localhost:6543/{}/{}/{}' return t.format(vers, top_level, tail_frag) raise NotImplemented('non-taxonomy local system_to_test') if self._api_endpoint.startswith('ot'): return 'https://{}{}/{}'.format(self._api_endpoint, self._api_version, frag) if self._api_endpoint[0].isdigit(): return 'http://{}/{}/{}'.format(self._api_endpoint, self._api_version, frag) raise OTClientError('api_endpoint = "{}" is not supported'.format(self._api_endpoint)) def _http_request(self, url, http_method="GET", data=None, headers=None): """Performs an HTTP call and returns a WebServiceCallRecord instance.""" rec = WebServiceCallRecord(self, url, http_method, headers, data) if self._store_api_calls: self.call_history.append(rec) if self._generate_curl: self.curl_strings.append(rec.curl_call) if not self._perform_ws_calls: if self._run_mode == WebServiceRunMode.CURL: sys.stderr.write('{}\n'.format(self.curl_strings[-1])) return rec if data: if http_method == 'GET': resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=data, allow_redirects=True) else: resp = requests.request(http_method, url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data), allow_redirects=True) else: resp = requests.request(http_method, url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=True) rec._response_obj = resp logging.debug('Sent {v} to {s}'.format(v=http_method, s=resp.url)) return rec